Iran Sanctions: JCPOA RIP?

18 May 2018 Despite frenetic diplomatic efforts, including the evident bonhomie between Presidents Macron and Trump, the United States has withdrawn from the Iran Nuclear Deal (JCPOA).  The world awaits details of America's new approach to confronting Iran's nuclear ambitions and its aggressive regional political behaviour.   The Trump Administration has announced already its intention to [...]

Saudi Arabia 2030: Vision Versus Reality

4 May 2108 In April 2016, Saudi Crown Prince (Deputy at the time) Mohammed bin Salman (MBS) announced his Saudi Arabia 2030 economic strategy.  The ambitious plan has two major objectives.  First of all, the collapse in oil prices after 2014 requires a major overhaul of Saudi fiscal policy to reduce the huge budget deficit.  [...]

Saudi Arabia: Vision 2030

12 September 2017 With the Aramco IPO widely anticipated, it is important to be familiar with the Saudia economic strategy. Likewise, with oil prices set to remain low, understanding the vision for reducing the nation's dependence on this commodity is crucial to future properity, as well as maintaining the currency peg. saudivision2030

Russia: Living With Cheaper Oil

18 May 2017 From alleged involvement in US and European elections and military campaigns in the Middle East, Russia is rarely far from the headlines. The recent apparent agreement between Saudi Arabia and Russia to extend previously agreed oil production cuts until the end of 2017 not only may improve sentiment in energy markets, but [...]