Global Government Debt: Balloon Still Expanding

11 June 2024 Government efforts to mitigate the economic consequences of the Global Financial Crisis (GFC) and the Covid pandemic have led to surging government debt. In the United States, for instance, public sector liabilities are approaching levels not seen before in peacetime (Chart above). And, while I will discuss important differences between countries and [...]

Can Turkey Get Back on Track?

12 May 2024 Turkey has long been a classic boom-bust economy. Indeed, the volatility of Turkish GDP growth is higher than most comparable Emerging market and advanced economies (next Chart). In addition, while the global economy has experienced two episodes of negative GDP growth since 1980, Turkey has endured five recessions. In my March 2021 [...]

Asia: Are Countries Taking Sides?

18 April 2024 Since the Global Financial Crisis, globalisation appears to have slowed. Indeed, despite the enormous benefits experienced in the post-WWII era, international trade and financial flows may have gone into reverse (Chart above). In addition, following disruptions caused by the Covid pandemic, some manufacturers have shifted supply chains to domestic producers, or at [...]

Japan: Now For the Hard Part

28 March 2024 In the past week, two important things happened in Japan. First of all, the Nikkei stock market index hit an all-time high; finally, eclipsing the previous record established 35 years ago. Following decades of underperformance, Japanese equities have left US stocks in the dust during the past two years. Meanwhile, the Bank [...]