22 October 2019 The global economy is slowing. During previous bouts of world-wide economic weakness, Asia has been relied upon as an engine of growth. This time, however, Asian economic activity is also cooling, as the region (and individual countries within the area) confronts both external and domestic challenges. The deepening trade war, of course, [...]
Tag: india
India: Long Growth Runway Still Lies Ahead
6 March 2019 Following the BJP's dramatic 2014 electoral victory, Prime Minister Narendra Modi enjoyed a mandate to implement economic reform. From the beginning, however, the program faced criticism. On the one hand, Hindu nationalist believe the changes do not go far enough in promoting their interests, whereas non-Hindus charge the benefits have not been [...]
India: Reforms Add to Growth, Lower Inequality
India's lackluster economic performance was once cynically referred to as the "Hindu rate of growth"! How times have changed! The OECD reveals how extensive economic reforms have contributed to stronger growth, lower inequality, and reduced poverty. This valuable report also highlights an agenda for continued action. INDIA-2017-OECD