Europe: Fiscal Stimulus Key to Avoid Recession

29 September 2019 The European economy has been decelerating since 2017. Indeed, the meagre 0.2% gain in GDP during Q2 2019 suggests economic activity may be stalling. And, as Germany, Italy, and the UK all recorded negative growth rates during the interval (and with Q3 looking decidedly weak as well), financial markets are increasingly concerned [...]

Globalisation: Linking Immigration and Education

5 September 2019 Concerns about the impact of immigration was a major factor in the United Kingdom's Brexit decision. Likewise, the issue will surely feature in upcoming US Presidential campaigns. To be sure, it is an emotive topic: raising issues of cultural identity, public finances, and the impact on local labour markets. The large-scale international [...]

EU Reform: Missing Golden Opportunity?

9 July 2019 Has the impetus behind European reform,  so evident following French President Macron's victory last year, now stalled? The recent Italian election result illustrates that the appeal of populist remedies to Europe's ills has not receded, and Euro-scepticism remains widespread. The challenge remains for Europe's mainstream national leaders, along with the EU institutions [...]

EU Immigration

IGC_EU Migration Former UK Prime Minister's cogent advice will not have much political impact it desrves, as it comes far too late.  Nevertheless, this valuable report from the Institute for  Global Change  provides lots of welcome facts on this important subject.  This is especially important during an era of "alterjnative facts"!