9 July 2019 Has the impetus behind European reform, so evident following French President Macron's victory last year, now stalled? The recent Italian election result illustrates that the appeal of populist remedies to Europe's ills has not receded, and Euro-scepticism remains widespread. The challenge remains for Europe's mainstream national leaders, along with the EU institutions [...]
Tag: france
European Politics: Berlin, Florence & Brexit
26 September 2017 Despite Europe’s recent economic upswing, Germany’s election result provides a stark reminder of the region’s political discontent in the aftermath of the Euro crisis, protracted unemployment, and increasing income inequality. Following the disappointing elections, can Chancellor Merkel and French President Macron produce the domestic and EU reforms needed to produce European prosperity? [...]
President Trump: Lessons from Pittsburgh!
3 July 2017 In announcing his recent decision that America would withdraw from the Paris Climate Accord, President Trump rationalised this choice indicating he represented the citizens of Pittsburgh, not those of Paris. His remarks, however, suggest the President perceives Pittsburgh as a heavily polluting city in industrial decline, requiring the government’s protection from the [...]
Mr Macron: Europe Needs You to Succeed
3 June 2017 The rift between the Trump administration and the other Group of 7 nations (also G20) became increasingly evident following the gathering in Taormina, Sicily. The new American president’s approach to global trade and climate change (among other key issues) represents a break from the prevailing international policy consensus. Reflecting growing frustration, German [...]