Auf Wiedersehen Mon Ami(e)!

12 November 2018 Last weekend's gathering of world leaders to commemorate the centenary of the World War I armistice was also an occasion to celebrate 70 years of European peace and stability.  It was also appropriate to recognise the European Union's contribution to this extended period of prosperity. However, there existed also a sense of [...]

Strategy 2019: Turning (Even More) Defensive!

19 September 2018 As analysts return from summer holidays, they tend to extend their earnings forecasts into the next year.  In this spirit, I am casting my strategic gaze into 2019 as well.  In order to set the stage, a brief review of our 2018 strategic themes may be helpful.  In our December essay "Aging [...]

EU Reform: Missing Golden Opportunity?

9 July 2019 Has the impetus behind European reform,  so evident following French President Macron's victory last year, now stalled? The recent Italian election result illustrates that the appeal of populist remedies to Europe's ills has not receded, and Euro-scepticism remains widespread. The challenge remains for Europe's mainstream national leaders, along with the EU institutions [...]

Swiss Franc: More Weakness as SNB Lags ECB

4 February 2018 In the wake of the Global Financial Crisis followed by Europe's Sovereign Debt Crisis, the Swiss franc (CHF) appreciated sharply (see top Chart), reflecting its traditional role as a safe haven. Confronting considerable deflationary risks the Swiss National Bank (SNB) abandoned its policy aimed at setting a floor for the exchange rate [...]