Election 2024 Edition #3: Climate Change

16 October 2024 In my last two blogs, I have focused on key issues to which the two Presidential candidates have paid insufficient attention: the bloated government budget deficit and surging public sector debt, as well as international trade policy and rising US foreign indebtedness. In both cases, I gave the narrow edge to Vice [...]

Global Government Debt: Balloon Still Expanding

11 June 2024 Government efforts to mitigate the economic consequences of the Global Financial Crisis (GFC) and the Covid pandemic have led to surging government debt. In the United States, for instance, public sector liabilities are approaching levels not seen before in peacetime (Chart above). And, while I will discuss important differences between countries and [...]

China: 2024 Forecast Is Unachieveable

10 March 2024 In a blog six years ago, I suggested China's growth slowdown had just begun. I indicated the headwinds emanating from the property crisis, shrinking population, weak productivity growth, debt deleveraging, and the rebalancing towards consumer-led activity would slow China's long-term GDP growth potential towards 3.5% to 4%. In the interim, most investors [...]

Can Europe Surprise? Only With Reforms

20 February 2024 Is Europe in secular decline? If so, can it be halted? Since as recently as 1990, the region's share of global GDP has declined from 24% to 14%. Even compared to other advanced economies, Europe has lost ground. Indeed, since 2005 European GDP growth has trailed the USA by 0.7% annually (the [...]