Germany: It’s Time to Act Boldly!

22 July 2018 President Trump has taken aim at Europe. In reality, however, most of his ire has been directed at Germany. The President objects to America's $66bn bilateral trade deficit (the fourth largest amongst US trading partners), as well as Germany's failure to meet its NATO spending commitment.  During his recent European trip, he [...]

USA and European Union: With Friends Like These…..

24 June 2018 Even in comparison with the recent deterioration in diplomatic norms, the breakdown of the recent Group of 7 meeting was breath-taking.  The long-planned gathering, cut short by US President Trump's early departure for his hastily planned Singapore summit with North Korea, began with Donald Trump's advocacy to include Russia in future occasions.  [...]

US-China Trade: Three Sides to Every Story

17 April 2018 As with any disputed relationship, there are three sides to every story: my version, their version, and the truth.  So it is with the deepening Sino-American bilateral trade conflict.  In order to reach a workable resolution to the current dispute (which I fully expect), policymakers on both sides need to consider the [...]

NAFTA Renegotiations

  Peterson IIE NAFTA   When you want to know about NAFTA, there is no better place to look than the Peterson Institute for International Economics.  Here's a great, recent assessment.