6 February 2019 During these Winter months, my breakfast typically consists of a big, steaming bowl of porridge! As in the Goldilocks fairy tale, however, getting the recipe right requires some experimentation. Often the same is true of monetary policy decision-making. In search of a soft landing for the US economy -- neither too hot, [...]
Category: Strategy
Will the Debt Bubble Burst in 2019?
23 January 2019 One of the unintended, albeit unsurprising, consequences of the current period of ultra-loose monetary conditions has been the extraordinary buildup in debt worldwide. The top Chart illustrates that during the previous business cycle global debt had remained stable at what seemed an elevated level of 80% of GDP. In the aftermath of [...]
Heading for Global Recession in 2019?
10 January 2019 Happy New Year! I am back at work for the first time since releasing my blog in mid-December. Did I miss anything??!! In a word, it's been crazy! In September, we published our 2019 Global Strategy Outlook entitled "Turning (Even More) Defensive", in which we warned that the year ahead would be [...]
2019 Strategy: Turning (Even More) Defensive!
4 December 2018 Enjoy my 2019 Strategy Podcast. The broadcast complements and updates my September blog entitled "2019 Strategy: Turning (Even More) Defensive!" Also look at previous blogs on various country assessments and policy issues -- all found in the Archive of Recent Blogs.