Germany: Curing Europe’s Sick Man?

15 October 2023 Once admired as Europe's growth engine, Germany is now being identified as the region's "sick economy". Indeed, Germany's post-Covid recovery has lagged far behind the world's other advanced countries (Chart below). And, the nation's underperformance pre-dates the pandemic. What lies behind Germany's growth malaise, and can Europe's "Sick Man" be cured? To [...]

Africa: Addressing Challenges Old and New

31 August 2023 In a recent blog, I outlined the risk of near-term liquidity problems in certain African nations. And, while I suggested a region-wide debt crisis can be averted, it's important to put the issue in a broader context. In particular, as a result of the rise in regional debt levels (both domestic and [...]

Africa: Debt Crisis Looming?

7 August 2023 Africa has underperformed economically for a long time. Per capita GDP has risen less than 1% annually during the past 30 years (chart below); lagging all other emerging market regions during this period (although Latam has also slowed in the past decade). During this interval, meanwhile, output per person in the advanced [...]

Spain: Convergence — Finishing the Job!

30 June 2023 I love Spain: the food, wine, sun, landscape, art, architecture, and the unmistakable roar of happy people cascading into the streeets from busy bodegas! Indeed, I just returned from trendy Valencia where the post-Covid atmosphere is bouyant. The 1992 Maastricht treaty -- outlining a path towards the introduction of the Euro in [...]