12 March 2020 The US imposed a travel ban with Europe. The UK is transitioning from the from the containment to delay phase of dealing with the spread of the Coronavirus. However, major differences exist in the level of testing between countries. And, there's a strong correlation between testing and discovery of infected cases. If [...]
UK Immigration: Dispelling the Myths
21 February 2020 Concerns about the impact of immigration on jobs, wages, public services, and national identity played a huge role in the United Kingdom's decision to leave the European Union. Unschackled by the EU's freedom of labour movement requirement, Prime Minister Boris Johnson's government unveiled its long-awaited immigration proposal. In practical terms, the new [...]
India: Has Something Gone Wrong?
11 February 2020 Since the election in May, India's GDP growth has decelerated sharply: advancing only 4.5% in Q3 2019 compared to 7.3% in 2018. Does this sharp slowdown in economic activity simply reflect short-term volatility or is something more ominous going on? Identifying the sources of the current weakness will help answer this question. [...]
Swiss Franc: Currency Manipulator or Safe Haven?
30 January 2020 In its recently released report on foreign exchange markets, the US Treasury added Switzerland to its watchlist of currency manipulators. To be sure, the Swiss franc does meet some of the criteria. Indeed, Switzerland's current account surplus is a staggering 10% of GDP, and its bilateral trade surplus with the USA has [...]